3D, 3D visual, alpiner algorithmus, audio, big & full, coming closer, digital print, futurist, grafix, Installation, Kunst im öffentlichen Raum, Malerei, mono hole, Neon, Performance, permanente Installation, Sculpture, thefucksideofmodernity, visual, Wandmalerei, web sculpture, work on paper

flesh flash Wandmalerei Acryl, 400 × 1480 cm

Kunstraum Bernsteiner Wien 2010

Panorama: Rens Veltman
Foto: Wolfgang Thaler

big & full on artycok.tv

zur ausstellung big & full von Andrei Siclodi

big & full, thefucksideofmodernity, Wandmalerei

Experiment, knowledge–transfer and politics against reality condense to an essential modern experience:
The abolishment of the historical process in the revolutionary moment, in a singular instant of pure presence.
Temporary autonomous zone. Or: Transgression, autonomy, praxis, democracy.
The infinity in–between (as insertion, fold or parallelism) is encoded directly, individually, physically and psychologically.
Liquid self, holidays from the ego, education by variation.

2009 / 10
12 x Acryl und Gesso auf Leinwand, 100 × 100 cm

Clubabende / Performance:
14.10.10: Boris Kopeinig underground dance loops
21.10.10: Christina Goestl all sexes welcome

Ve.Sch – Raum und Form in der Bildenden Kunst Wien 2010
Panorama: Rens Veltman

big & full on artycok.tv

zur ausstellung big & full von Andrei Siclodi

big & full, Malerei, thefucksideofmodernity

christoph hinterhuber