Experiment, knowledge–transfer and politics against reality condense to an essential modern experience:
The abolishment of the historical process in the revolutionary moment, in a singular instant of pure presence.
Temporary autonomous zone. Or: Transgression, autonomy, praxis, democracy.
The infinity in–between (as insertion, fold or parallelism) is encoded directly, individually, physically and psychologically.
Liquid self, holidays from the ego, education by variation.
2009 / 10
12 x Acryl und Gesso auf Leinwand, 100 × 100 cm
Clubabende / Performance:
14.10.10: Boris Kopeinig underground dance loops
21.10.10: Christina Goestl all sexes welcome
Ve.Sch – Raum und Form in der Bildenden Kunst Wien 2010
Panorama: Rens Veltman
big & full on artycok.tv
zur ausstellung big & full von Andrei Siclodi
big & full,
CHRISTOPH HINTERHUBER vs. DJ EVERYBODYaus gegebenem anlass, aber nicht nur (PEACE)starving buddha HFstarving buddha QFoac hexagon YinYangoac hexagon cultchristophhinterhuberewige Blumenkraft | flower power | les fleurs du malalpiner algorithmus 3.0hexagon prototypesoT (Pfeil)against realitypink guy save ushyper suprematismde-decode de-recode re-decode re-recodedancefloorstrenge kammer I - XXIIIauto cosmos generic galaxygrid meditationsmiling buddhachrishotphinterhubrematrix fragmentornamentandcrimewonderland sunrisethe bumm3 complexmono hole AVHD editenoZonehier ist nicht hierevent horizon (vertikal)drag*staralpiner algorithmusexiloT (5243 Schindeln, 35 x 20,4 cm, Stahl 4 mm, pink pulverbeschichtet)dancing squaresmono hole monomonoholehole mixespost kunst para univideodronesbigfullfuturistfuturist (paintings)hedonistraumcock blocdas obszöne werkikone (Technics MK1210)partydownloadselector: alois bernsteineroT1 0 1mono hole90s 3d loops hd re-editsoT (mobile)self similarpinkpinkoT (low code)flesh flashesstromkunstkapitalsymbolohne theorie keine revolutionwww.nichts.orgre-evolutionzeichensystemsideologielove rulesrhizomewww.build-cells.orgwonderlandplus ultrainnerspherekapitalismus & fluchtworldwide4Dcairosphere
christoph hinterhuber